Author Archives: aaron
Continued my journey up the side of Windermere. Ambleside was a nice surprise. I’ll visit it in Real Reality one day.
In what was probably the nicest part of my journey so far I cycled half the length of Lake Windermere and stopped in Bowness. One of my favourite holiday spots.
I’m now officially in the Lake District and it’s just as nice as I remember… if my memory was of a forest reduced to 100 flat planes and warping things all over the place.
Passed through some wonderful villages on my detour to the Lake District. Hopefully you’ll start to see why I love holidaying there.
Passed through Lancaster (which is lovely btw) and stopped inĀ Carnforth (also quite nice). Also I spotted the Leaf God in the sky. I’ve added a picture to the Photos section.
I present to you the most boring video made by the hand of man. Also I’ve reached Lancaster.
And there it is. 700km. Phew. I think there’s about 850km to go. At my current pace I should do that in about 2 months. Also I’m out in the country side again. I much prefer the country.
Sorry I’ve not posted for a couple of days. Things have been quite busy for me. Anyway passed through Preston today over the River Ribble. I love that name.
I raidedĀ passed through Chorely today. Also thought about the idea of using ‘OK Google’ to browse the web while I cycle. Would be useful to look things up when I see something.
I’m a little late with this vid. Just really tired last night. Anyway you don’t care about that. You care about the fact that I passed through Adlington and almost made it to Chorley. Oh and I saw some lovely … Continue reading