Author Archives: aaron
Ok it’s officially a pain in the rectum doing my videos in two halves. I really need to sort out the crash. Anyway I left Wolverhampton and passed through Coven. I also need to sort out a better way of … Continue reading
Ok so because I can’t get to the bottom of why it keeps crashing when I do long sessions I’m going to do my videos in two halves for now. Pain in the bum but at least I can keep … Continue reading
A few changes today. Added the nearest town’s information like population and Wikipedia summary. Seems to work but the summary is… short. Also the keen-eyed amongst you will spot that I’m facing the other way. That’s just so I’m facing … Continue reading
23/07/2016 Finally managed a session again today. Been sick and on holidays. Some boring country stuff and more interesting city stuff today though Stouport-on-severn is a bit rubbish. Also the geo-town thing seems to be working now. Huzzah!
17/07/2016 I’ve increased my session length to 16km or roughly 1 hour and as expected it didn’t make it all the way to the end without crashing. I’m going to have to fix this now. Saw some lovely houses and … Continue reading
16/07/2016 After a few false starts I made it to Worcester. The last couple of nights I’ve been interrupted by something after 5 minutes. Also I had the idea i should make a video of bugs or odd things that … Continue reading
13/07/2016 I’m in Worscestershire. Also I passed through a village called Upton-Upon-Severn with a street called Minge Lane. Oh how I laughed.
12/07/0216 After a week of holiday I’m a bit rusty. My legs are a bit seized up. Nothing too eventful today although my session was cut short by a flat phone battery.
03/07/2016 Nothing too amazing today. Left Gloucester and my town names still aren’t working. Grrr. Also it crashed at the end again so I need to fix that too. Anyway it was a lovely cycle in the country.
Gloucester! Yes I made it. Also 400 km! Yes I made it. No vomiting! Have I said how much I’m enjoying the new camera? I think Gloucester is my first major city I’ve gone through.