…or casual? I have a confession, I’m not really that into exercise. I enjoy it now and then but I know my body needs it so I force myself to do it daily. And that’s one of the reasons I made CycleVR, to make it more interesting.
What about you?
Personally I’m an overweight non-exerciser. But I’m really excited by this.
I never learned to ride a bike and would look like a prat trying to learn now in my late 20s. The idea of going to a gym fills me with dread for fear of judgement from all the ab-ulous people so exercising at home seems the best solution.
Except the stationary bike bores me to tears. I listen to music, try to watch tv/films (pointless as i get too caught up in what’s happening onscreen and I lose my rhythm) just stared at the blank wall and I can’t escape the feeling of pointlessness.
But to have a real goal where you can literally see your progress on a map and feel like you’re completing something sounds utterly fantastic. I would do the same route as you whether it took me double or triple the time – I know I’d complete it because there is a target and I know i can get there eventually.
 Jessica Patel
hello i’m new user.i have serious and want to join your community.
jessica patel
Looks like you already have. Go for it!
 Nate Collins
I love bicycling but only in warm weather. I see this as an opportunity to keep conditioned in an interesting and fun way without the hassles of the gym. Would be fun doing Poker runs too!
A ‘poker run’? That sounds interesting, do go on.