Scott O
You can buy a BlueTooth gamepad for as little as $10. It would make sense to me to combined the BlueTooth cadence with the gamepad to create a fun VR biking app game. Great work!
Yes and in fact I have one of those little pads myself but I’ve just not used it yet. I was planning on using it to allow myself to ‘steer’ the bike when I got to street junctions. When you say ‘game’ what did you have in mind?
 Scott O
Wow. Where should I start? I could easily come up with 100 game ideas… I guess I go with top 10 easy to hard:
(Simple) Obstacles and ramps (Spy Hunter), Ride on the boardwalk (beach): simple relaxing ride on the beach avoiding people,
3D (Atari) Tanks, Catch the running animal (rabbits, dragons), Run over the Zombies, Shoot the Zombies, Race car (Pole Position), Circles in the sky: steer to get through hoops, peddle harder to go higher; Mario Kart clone
They would probably take a long time to get the first one done, but rest will be easier to do.